Become Energy Efficient This Summer

Phoenix summers are tough, and we know that it can be easy to use a ton of energy to keep cool during these scorching months in the Valley of the Sun. Even if you are already using solar sources, there is always more you can do to cut down on your electric bill and save energy.

We have a few times on ways you can cut your bills even more this summer in Phoenix.

Buy energy efficient appliances. You can get energy efficient refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, even washing and drying machines. These products are specifically made to save energy while getting the job done, however tough it may be. Energy efficient products can be found anywhere that sells home appliances these days, making it easier than ever to save money.

Pay attention to your thermostat. If you do not already have one, get a programmable thermostat installed. You will be able to set your temperatures much more precisely with a thermostat that you can actually program. Keep it set between 75 and 80 degrees, depending on when you and your family are at home v out for the day. The best part about this step is that you will not even be able to tell the difference between a couple degrees, but your wallet will.

Utilize the ceiling and portable fans in your home. Fans push the air around a designated space, and while it does not officially cool the air, it keeps it circulating, which does keep you cool. Fans are a great way to keep cool at night, as they are easy to set up and cost less than firing up the air conditioner.

Reduce your hot water usage. This is a tip most people will welcome due to the unrelenting Arizona summer sun. Take cooler showers, wash your clothing in cooler water, turn the heat down just a bit when washing dishes, and watch that water bill dwindle!

We have saved our most important (and easiest) tip for last. When you leave a room, make sure you turn any and all appliances off. If you are going out of town or even just work for the day, unplug any electronics that you will not be using for an extended period of time like the TV, or toaster. Even if appliances and electronics are off and not in use, if they are plugged in, they are still using energy.

These tips might seem really simple, and it is because they are. Taking the smallest steps can be the difference in saving money and energy or wasting it. And these suggestions are not just for the summer, keep them in mind all year-round. Remember that saving energy does not have an off-season!