Go Green on Memorial Day

Are you having a party this Memorial Day weekend? Chances are, you’ll either be attending one or hosting it yourself. And while we love a good party (and a 3-day weekend!) what we don’t love is cleaning up once everyone has left. 
However, we have some ideas for when it comes to throwing a party this weekend, or even throughout the summer. And in true Stealth Solar fashion, our ideas revolve around reducing before producing. 
A party isn’t a party without some festive decorations, but buying them at a party store can get expensive quickly, and most of the time, they fall apart, and you have to throw them away. Instead of literally throwing money away, use items you already have around your house to make your own decorations that you can use year after year. Paint empty soup cans in American colors and poke holes in for a patriotic candle holder, tie ribbons to chairs and around trees, and even make your own posters celebrating the holiday. Don’t forget the glitter!

When it comes to food, ease is the key. Serve not only finger foods, but easy to eat ones that people can simply pick up and pop in their mouth on the way to say hello to another guest. Not only will this keep your party moving, but it’ll reduce the need for lots of different plates and utensils. Of course, you will need SOME things for food and drinks, so make sure you buy plastic items instead of paper. Unlike paper products, you can stick most plastic products in the dishwasher, like Solo cups, and reuse them for other summer parties.  That’s a win-win situation in our mind. 

Lastly, try to buy as locally as possible for your party needs. Buying foods that are grown and shipped locally are not only better for you, but it supports small business owners, which we love here at Stealth Solar.
These are just a few ideas out of many which prove that our motto ‘reduce before you produce’ can be used in all aspects of our lives, not just when it comes to using energy! Have a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend everyone!

These are just a few ideas out of many which prove that our motto ‘reduce before you produce’ can be used in all aspects of our lives, not just when it comes to using energy! Have a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend everyone!